The camp was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!
Hi Helen! I know I have only just left, but I feel as if I didn’t give you a proper thank you. I just want to say that words cannot describe how thankful I am. The camp was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! I loved it so much. I enjoyed all the activities and I’m so glad I got to do it all with Axl.
That ribbon I got is something I will keep with me forever because it’s my first one! I really do hope you open up again after a little break because that was the best experience and it has taught me so much. Sarah and Liz loved it just as much as me and we are seriously so thankful! Thanks so, so, so, so, much!! (btw the lake was heaps of fun and your cooking is so yummy). From Evie